申请 Application

申请 Application


Entry Requirements:


High school graduates or above in good health condition from age 18 to 25.


Required Documents:

1. Application form for foreign students studying at Neusoft Institute Guangdong;

2. A copy (or scanned copy) of the diploma and transcript of the high school or above

3. A copy (or scanned copy) of the applicant's passport


Since you have prepared all your documents required by school, you should send us by email and it will takes time to process your documents by us and the provincial education bureau in 3-4 weeks. After your application is approved by all the parties, the papers and documents will be sent to you by mail and the mailing time will differ according to your location and courier. Since you receive the documents you should apply for visa at your local Chinese consulate or embassy by following their requirements. Finally you will arrive China with your visa. The whole process will take at least 1 month from the date you apply and please arrange your time properly.


If you have any enquiry or application please send email to: international@nuit.edu.cn



